Monday, January 13, 2014

What Should Be The Right Window For Your Home?

When it comes to designing your home, window considerations are not something that you should ever downplay. These essential home components are, in fact, the best sources to give you a great view of the outdoors. Just like any part of the home, however, they too can deteriorate through time and before you know it, you have to replace them.

Nevertheless, choosing the perfect window for your home is easy as long as you pick one that reflects or complements your home's unique style well. Generally speaking, European style homes should settle for French casement windows whereas traditional homes can normally go for double hung windows. It’s hard to go wrong with these combinations.

Choosing the right color is also essential. Consider a color that’s somewhat similar to that of your window frame. Furthermore, choose a window color that blends well with your interior design. Remember, windows should remain ‘coherent’ with your home from inside and out, so aside from how they appear outside, choose window colors that sit well with your room’s design, your furniture, etc.

Apart from the aesthetic aspect, ventilation plays an important role so your window should be able to let fresh air move in and out freely throughout the room. You may need operable windows that can be closed or opened as needed. 

Cleaning Your Roof without Harming Your Plants

One of the most important tasks in roofing maintenance is regular washing and cleaning. However, there are many chemicals out there that—while definitely excellent in disinfecting and protecting your roof—could be detrimental to your yard. One great thing about using eco-friendly solutions is that you don’t have to spend too much time covering the plants in your yard before rinsing. With that in mind here are a few tips on how to clean your roof properly:

Oxygen Bleach Solution

Of all the commercially-available roof cleaning products, oxygen bleach would have to be one of the most effective and environmentally-friendly. It’s non-toxic and it won’t fade your roof material’s color. To make an oxygen bleach solution, mix a solution of oxygen bleach and water in a spray can. For effective cleaning, use four to six ounces of oxygen bleach for every gallon of water.


Get up on a ladder and spray your oxygen bleach solution on the roof, making sure to spray on the topmost portion first. Work your way down toward the rest of the roof surface and ensure that every nook and cranny that might have collected dirt over time is included. Let the solution sit for about 20 minutes.


Rinse the cleaner off your roof by using a garden hose equipped with a spray nozzle for good measure. Always spray downstream so you don’t end up dirtying the clean areas all over again.